Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bandwidth Monitoring Tool for Linux

There are lot of tools to do the task, I am using bwm-ng

To install it on FEDORA / CENTOS, use
yum -y install bwm-ng

To run it , Type the below command at terminal


Use following shortcut to tune bwm-ng

Press + to set time interval, default is set to 0.5 seconds which is too short, make it at least 1.00 or 1.1 to get mroe stable value.

Press u to get DATA in kb (kilobits), default is set to KB (Kilo Bytes)

To see data of eth0, with kilobits, and 1 second refresh rate , use following . . .

    bwm-ng +I eth0 -u bits -t 1000


You can also try alternate tools like iptraf & netwatch (For IP Based utilization)

1 comment:

  1. Great article but I think a GUI based internet usage monitor would be more better, especially for the people who are trying to adapt to Linux.

    A i found one GUI based bandwidth monitor called NTM, try that, it's kool
