Please take care for Important mails
If you don't want to delete mails from a particular label just add -label:important (-label:labelname) in all searches
In Search Field type
from:noreply* OR from:do-not-reply* OR from:donotreply* OR from:notification*
This way you’ll filter out all the automated updates that come from various sources (such as social media friend requests, calendar reminders, weberp tickets).
Tip #2: Delete All Blog Comment Notifications
Search: [from:wordpress* OR from:disqus]
If you are a blogger who hasn’t disabled comments, you’re probably getting email notifications each time a comment is pending approval or waiting for your reply.
Tip #3: Clean Up Email Subscriptions
Search [from:news* OR from:digest* OR from:auto* OR from:reports* OR from:*mailer*]
TIP # 4 Delete Mails from a particular Period/Year
In the Search field, type before:2010/12/20. That's just an example date.You can use any date you want, Select All & Delete. Date format YYYY/MM/DD.
TIP # 5 Find Attachments & Delete them
has:attachment (Search for file extension *.jpg *.rar *.zip *.doc *.xls & many more)
You can use multiple options in one search